we made it to santiago safe and sound yesterday morning. gigi's cousin, phillip, picked us up from the airport at 7:30 in the morning sleepy-eyed and ready to stretch our legs. we all went to caroline, sebastian, and elisa's house (caroline is another cousin and phillip's sister). gigi's mom, eliana, surprised us by coming over in the morning and we all made
pastel de choclo together (micah's first cooking lesson!).
pastel de choclo is a typical chilean dish with ground beef, onions, pieces of chicken, golden raisins and black olives covered with a corn mush (liquidy & less gritty grits) sauted and then baked all together in chilean pottery called
greda. these dishes are famous and we are so excited about them. tio eduardo, tia pit, tia marcela & prima isabel all came over for lunch. it was so so good and everyone was happy to see gigi again.

after lunch eliana, caro & elisita (almost 7 months old) joined us in exploring the neighborhood a little bit. we walked to a nearby park and took a ride on a little enclosed ski lift chair to see a great view of this enormous city. we can rent bikes here and apparently they have free yoga classes on the weekends! santiago is bigger than we imagined and we will never even put a dent in it.
today we went with caro and eliana to see eliana's old houses and the neighborhood where gigi's siblings lived. we saw the courtyard where gigi's parents met for the first time...micah shed a tear.
it feels great to be here. everyone is taking such good care of us and showing us a great time... even elisa, who is so cute, but prefers to be around her mama (we are working hard to win her over)
and now it's time to help with dinner (we can't let others do our lettuce washing for us! step 1: find grocery store and find
disenfectante. step 2: soak lettuce in water and 1 teaspoon of
disenfectante. step 3: rinse lettuce with bottled water. step 4: find the energy to eat after spending so much time preparing lettuce. will we have to do this for 6 months!?). so we don't have time to post more pics on this blog... maybe after dinner there will be some more for you to see.
wahoo! glad y'all arrived. sending big love from up nawth. ~ scotty p.
Isabell and i went to the park monday night and watched planes fly overhead, and said, "there they go" everytime.
i've been hangin' at yer place the past couple days and lovin on yer dogs. also, i got a massage and that wuz great.
yeah, this wuz the third time i'd checked yer blog since you left. ha! thanks for finally posting something, god.
mad mad mad lovin,
alright, finally some word from you all! seems like you're off to a good start with the pastel de choclo. empanadas are next and i'm getting the recipe from you! abrazo. -nico
hello dearies!
so exciting, all of it.
allie's visiting me in n'awlins and she's stuck until her veggie mercedes gets fixed. i'm diggin my job with the 5th graders. they say the funniest things.
sit at a cafe and write postcards of what you're looking at one day. love you huge and happy to live it with y'all thru the world wide web of connectedness.
much love,
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